In 1965 DOCTOR H.G. Arion, plastic surgeon and physician, invented the first inflatable prosthesis in the world. Since then, millions of women took advantage from this innovation. To this inventive genius and passionate, it was necessary to add rigor, method, creativity and perfection. It is the sum of these values that is met in every single implant today and that makes Laboratoires Arion a reference of high level to the professionals of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.
With over 45 years of experience, Arion has been a pioneer in the breast implant industry.
JC Arion, HG Arion’s son, current CEO of the company as well as scientist and dedicated technician, is encouraging the innovative development of our breast implants from day to day. Thereby establishing the founding principles of the Arion company: creativity, innovation and professional ethics are the keystones of this family business devoted to the imperatives of high technology.
Therefore, if Arion is a world leader in breast implants, it is by virtue of our expertise and skills.
Our research and development department and production facilities are located in the High-Technology Park at Sophia Antipolis and our implants, designed and manufactured in France, meet the most stringent quality requirements.
Today, Arion still has a number of innovations in the pipeline and is developing top-of-the-range breast implants for optimum safety and impeccable cosmetic outcomes. Patient well-being and health together with satisfaction on the part of our surgeons are our main priorities.